Student Life exists because we believe that knowing Jesus is necessary to transform the life of a student and the world around them for good. Our mission is to change the world by turning lost students into Christ-centered labourers through our movements on campus.
If you’ve been involved in Student Life at uni, you’ve had the chance to share your faith, grow and be discipled. You may have led others to Christ or discipled people in Action Groups. Now imagine yourself working full-time.
• In one of NZ’s key universities
• Ministering cross-culturally in East Asia
You’ll be amazed at how God can use you to engage with others. Two great opportunities are in front of you right now: A Student Life Internship in NZ, or a Short Term International (STINT) serving on a campus beyond our shores. Both involve a year of on-the-ground ministry, plus some training and preparation.
If you’ve been involved in Student Life at uni, you’ve had the chance to share your faith, grow and be discipled. You may have led others to Christ or discipled people in Action Groups.
An Internship will see you serving alongside New Zealand staff you’ve come to know. It’s a chance to be part of a team who are passionate about growing in their faith and dependence on the Lord. You will invest in seeing New Zealand students reached with the transforming power of the Gospel.
Check out what Josh has to say about doing an internship with us.
Is God calling you? – let’s start talkin’!