“Could it really be this simple,” I asked myself.
I spent an hour with a group of friends studying a passage of Scripture. Together, we had gone through Genesis 2. It is not an unfamiliar passage – I have read it many times – but I was surprised at some of the new-to-me insights we pulled from the passage as a group.
I have long struggled with reading my Bible consistently.
I know it is good for me. I know it is important. I know a consistent intake of Scripture affects how I see and interact with people around me.
And yet, I am rarely consistent in this area. After reading the same passages over and over, I wonder how to see familiar phrases with new eyes.
The following week, I opened my Bible to John 1, a chapter full of familiar verses. Using the same outline my friends used the week before, I worked through the first 18 verses. I was shocked at some of the passage’s nuances I had always missed.
The format we used is based on a study outline developed by Lifetree Café. It can be used in personal or group study, with a format simple enough that spiritual seekers and new believers can easily use.
For more information on how to use this style of Bible study to reach those around you, visit www.lifetreecafe.com.
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